Dr Sara Payne MBE

CEO – Hello everyone, my name is Sara, I’m a working class lass, born in the 1960’s, on a Buckinghamshire council estate, to a large loving family. We were cash poor, but always had everything we ever needed from our hard working ‘family centred’ kind hearted parents.

We played together, we fought together, we ate together and loved each other unconditionally.

My parents always kept it real, teaching us the basics, like the difference in human right and human wrong, human good and human bad and how to make and own your own choices (good and bad) and of course how to survive your own mistakes.

My mother taught me that making mistakes is what all humans do before they learn to get it right, always try not to make them, but to not live in fear of them.

My dad taught me that ‘human hate is human fear in any other name’ and that a life in fear, is a good life wasted ..and to not be a good life waster.

I’ve learnt many ‘real life lessons’ in my real lifetime so far, no stranger to adversity or indeed the darker side of cowardly inhuman strangers, I have also known unbelievable human courage that human good always brings and I aspire every day, to be the good I want to see.

It has always been my basic faith in human good that has keep me going through the darkest days, that and my own instinctive Phoenix spirit and as I sit and write this now, I thank goodness for them both.

As a human being and the CEO of The Phoenix Post, I could never be a bystander whilst fear, hate or bad people lead the way, I will always do whatever I humanly can, to lawfully, calmly get in their way, that is my choice, my way.

I’m a strong woman, a grandmother, a mother, an aunt, a sister and a daughter, just an ordinary female being, doing my very best to deal with the extraordinary hand that fate has dealt me.

I left school with a solid education and the good grades to prove it.

As a person, I am driven to learn, but more than that, I sincerely enjoy the learning journey.

When I started out in victim advocacy/child protection, my first rule for me was/is always ‘Children First’ ..if they’re not at the heart of what you’re doing ..you’re doing it wrong.

Virtual/Digital Mobility. I have, for many years now, managed severe Civilian Post Traumatic Stress, I try hard every day not to let it manage me. In 2007, I had my first of a series of aneurisms and strokes that did (in late December 2009) leave me forever partially paralysed down the left side of my body.

As a stroke survivor, I learnt a lot about what is really needed for stroke recovery and by 2016, I became an Ambassador for Shapemaster so that I could help spread the ‘mobility through power assisted exercise’ message.

Whilst all of that has left me very differently abled, with many physical mobility challenges, with support, I can do physical appearances, that said, I do the bulk of my Phoenix work from our Phoenix Virtual HQ & Skype, which gives me instant full worldwide virtual access and digital mobility at the push of a button.

Through The Phoenix Post, I will always work voluntarily to outlaw Anti-Victim Prejudice and am currently working on the development and delivery of our House & Garden AR/VR App/Game made for and by those who manage Civilian Post Traumatic Stress.

Over the years my Phoenix work has been a real human being journey, as I became a Law maker/changer, Social Policy & AVP Consultant, International Bestselling Author, Inspirational Public Speaker, The Pride Of Britain, awarded as one of Britain’s Children’s Champions by the British Prime Minister, Britain’s Bravest Woman, Most Inspirational Woman, Woman of the year, Britain’s first ever ‘Victims Commissioner’, I was then academically acknowledged for my work in ‘Social Engineering’ with an HONs Doctorate ..and then awarded by the Queen of England with an MBE ..one of the proudest days of my life. Dr Sara Payne MBE

For more on the journey behind the journey .. click here ..were updating this section, thank you for your patience sx

